Modeling tools to optimize anode baking

Latest developed tools: gas injection modelling

It is well known that the process and operational parameters of the anode baking furnace have significant impacts on the anode quality and the performance of the furnace. Among those parameters, the gas injection is critical to achieve the targeted baking level at optimized costs while respecting the emissions limits. However industrial trials are often long, costly and influenced by many uncontrolled parameters.

AP Technology™ carbon team has been developing and using for several years an entire set of modelling tools to anticipate the impact of numerous operational, design and process parameters.

Our latest model focuses on the behaviour of the gas pulsed combustion in the heating zone. Through sensitivity study, it is now used to support decision making in the design phase of all projects in order to:

  • Define the range of operation of existing and new/future firing ramps,
  • Adjust the internal design of fluewalls, for example to check that the baking level will be maintained for raised fluewalls,
  • Identify the challenges/opportunities to maintain/improve anode baking performance and anode quality,
  • Check the safety of our installations in degraded mode.

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